Call: 06-954 2653

Rodney J. Louis


  • 26499 Rancho Pkwy S lake forest, South
  • CA 92630

Office Hours

  • Monday to Friday
  • 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

  • 1-703-753-5688 (Direct)
  • 1-703-753-5859 (Fax)
  • 1-888-444-1056 (Toll-Free)

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    About Me

    Hi, My Name is Rodney J. Louis.I have been serving Alaska as your local Peace Insurance Agent since 2004.

    I first opened my office in Anchorage, and moved to serve the Mat-Su Valley in 2013. I worked in the insurance industry for more than 17 years before I opened my Peace Insurance office.

    Please contact me today to learn more about our complete coverage plans designed to protect you, your home, and your automobile.

    Insurance Offerd Products

    Marine Cargo Insurance

    Protect your cargo from loss or damage in the course of transportation by Sea, Air and Land, whilst being transported across borders

    Personal Accident Insurance

    Secures you and your family with a wide range of coverage and benefit in the case of unexpected events

    Auto Insurance

    Damage and theft of your car can be a strain on your finances. Protect your car with comprehensive plan.

    Workmen’s Compensation Insurance

    The Workmen’s Compensation insurance provides coverage to you as an employer in respect of your statutory liabilities under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) as well as the Common Law to your employees who are generally not covered by SOCSO.

    Fire and Perils Insurance

    Fire insurance will protect your property and investments against loss or damage from perils such fire, lightning or explosion

    Travel Insurance

    Enjoy your trips with absolute peace of mind by getting this all-in-one travel insurance online now

    Health Insurance

    Lead a healthy life and be in control of your health and medical expenses

    Contractor’s All Risk Insurance

    Ensure your construction project and contract work is protected against loss or damage and third party liability.

    Contact Me